A deduction To David Hawkins (R.I.P), Howard Martin, Gregg Braddon, Bruce Lipton, Wayne Dyer, and Joe Dispenza​. The people who helped me during the past 12 years (J. Solace).

The Rebirth | Wisdom Documentary

5 Videos

self-discover novels

– In “Neo Through the Ages and the Broken Crown,” you are not just a passive reader; you are the protagonist. This unique approach immerses you in a narrative that is both engaging and deeply personal. As Neo, you will traverse the landscapes of your consciousness, confront your fears, and discover your strengths.


– Much like Morpheus in “The Matrix,” J. Solace serves as your mentor, offering wisdom, insights, and practical tools to help you navigate your journey. With years of experience in the fields of self-awareness and emotional intelligence, J. Solace provides a roadmap for transformation that is both profound and actionable.

self-discover magazine

The magazine serves as a bridge to our published books.

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a.i revolution

With the power of the AI revolutions, generations will shift at higher speeds, as it will be like a time-travel Machine with your current CV?


what would you expect other than social interaction and innovations in different patterns and how we fall or spark through it?

symmetrical machine

You are a symmetrical machine (on all levels), like a right brain and left brain hemispheres,  Left And Right Hand, Or Front and back! Future And Past… It's a world of mirrors on all levels (sunshine).


The Sky cannot be touched just like imagination! it's like stars where they are there but not really there!

Dance Or die

You like the idea that you are in control of your outer existence. in the end, nothing is universally copyrighted to any of us except the way we think. We didn't design our faces and voice tones; it's destiny (neo).

History And Future

discovering the power of your piano (Emotions) parameters through the ages

Triangles, circles, squares and the cruciform under an umbrella?

the story of your life in 5 shapes

bio Tomb

The past or vice versa is a different walking space and time through you but not when you understand the laws of infinity....



In the end, we are just males and females in different stages of life?

nunkiArts Gallary.

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